Main Bearings

We stock under Glacier and Vandervell reference numbers. Glacier Main Bearing reference numbers are prefixed ‘M’ followed by a four digit number (where the first digit indicates the number of bearing pairs) and the size e.g. M5195/STD. Vandervell Main Bearing references are prefixed VPM followed by a two, three or five digit number and the size e.g. VPM91047/STD. Whichever reference you search for, you will be offered a Vandervell or Glacier equivalent part if we have determined they are interchangeable. We supply bearing sets in a range of materials - most commonly SA (Steel shell, reticular tin aluminium lined) or LC (Steel shells, copper-lead lined with lead-tin overlay) depending on availability by size and are priced accordingly. Some bearings are specifically LC and the letters LC or ACL are included in the part number E.g. M5195ACL/STD. If LC is not indicated as available by part number and you would prefer this material, please note this on your order and it will be supplied if available and in stock with a £10 surcharge. Some bearings are also available for Over Size housings, where this is the case, ‘OS’ is indicated in the part number E.g. M5195OS/STD