Pistons - Piston set

SKU:CEP P H 16284/030-4

Piston set

4 cyl piston set 16284 for Vauxhall - 1964 1594 cc OHV Victor, VX Four Ninety, CR 8.5 to 1. 1965/7 Series 101 Victor, CR 9 to 1, VX four Ninety CR 9.3 to 1.

Metric (mm) English (Inches)
Bore Piston Height Compression Height Gudgeon Pin Dia. Bore Piston Height Compression Height Gudgeon Pin Dia.
81.6356 78.58125 45.0088 22.0091 3.214 3 3/32 1.772 0.8665
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Year To:
@ £210.00/  Each  (exc. VAT)  (inc. VAT @ 20%)
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